
Conversations refer to the interaction between a contact and the platform and a contact have multiple conversations with the platform.

What is a Conversation?

In the context of the platform, the interaction between the contact and platform is referred as a conversation. Conversations are used to organise the communication in specific to a context. A contact can have multiple conversations with the platform but only one open conversation at a time.

Referring to the example above, Susan had contacted the platform at different times with different purpose. Susan had 3 conversations with the platform attended by different users. Each conversations has a different context and a specific issue to be resolved by the customer support team.

Opening a Conversation

Conversations can be opened to initiate an interaction and it can be done by the following method :-

  1. New Incoming Message from Contact When a contact without any open conversation sends a message to the platform, a conversation will opened for this contact. The same applies for new incoming message from new contacts.

  2. User A user can manually open a conversation from the Messaging Module.

  3. Automation An automation can be created with the Open Conversation which will result in a new conversation opened for the triggering contact.

  4. Welcome Event For channels like Facebook and Viber, the Welcome Event can opened a new conversation for a contact if there is no existing open conversation.

Closing a Conversation

Conversations can be closed to end an interaction and it can be done by the following method :-

  1. User A user can manually close a conversation from the Messaging Module.

  2. Automation An automation can be created with the Close Conversation which will result in closing the open conversation for the triggering contact.

  3. Dialogflow Using the RB_MARKDONE parameter, a conversation can be closed for the triggering contact.

  4. Contact Merge If there is an open conversation from the secondary contact, the conversation will be closed automatically.

Conversation Metrics

Using Conversation, there are metrics and analytical insights to be provided in both Reports and Dashboard such as Resolution Time and Closed Count to track team performance.

Find out more on conversation metrics are used in the following modules :


Last updated