How to Auto-Assign Customers to a Team or Dedicated Agent
Business Goal: Automatically assign customers to a team or dedicated agent.
IS-Messenger’s default Contact Assignment behavior is the pick and assign system. As your company grows, this manual process can be time-consuming and raise a potential problem in ensuring a fair inbound conversation distribution among your support agents. These issues can be easily avoided by setting up a Workflow with automatic assignment logic based on your business support needs.
Benefits of Automatic Assignment
Use auto-assignment to:
Save support agents and managers time compared to manual assignment processes.
Improve response time as customers will be assigned to a support agent quickly.
Methods for Automatic Assignment
Auto-assign customers to a team and set assignment logic based on your business needs.
Auto-assign customers to a dedicated agent.
Auto-Assign to a team and set assignment logic based on your business needs
Use this method when you want to automate your support assignment process to a team of agents.
Adjust the auto-assignment logic based on your business support needs and priorities.
Support preferences
- Resolve issues as quickly as possible
- Focused on reducing support costs
Low-Cost Support Auto-Assignment
- Provide great support
- Views excellent support as a competitive advantage
High-Quality Support Auto-Assignment
Method Objectives
Select the Workflow template and customize steps as needed.
Automatically assign customers to agents with assignment logic based on your support preferences.
Workflow Setup
There are Workflow templates set up by our team that you can use immediately. These templates can be edited to fit your business needs.
Learn more about Workflow Templates here.
Select the Workflow template and customize steps as needed
For Low-Cost Support, click Assignment: Round Robin + Online Only > Use template
For High Quality Support, click Assignment: Least Open Contacts > Use template
The Workflow template is set up with an Assign To step to automatically assign customers to a specific team with online agents only in a round robin sequence.
Learn more about Assign To Step.
Customize your welcome message as desired.
Tip: If you have multiple support teams, use routing to assign to the correct team. Then consider using round robin assignment within the team.
Edit the Assign To Step to set up auto assignment based on your support preferences.
Auto-Assign Customers to a Dedicated Agent
Use this method when you want to auto-assign a specific customer to a dedicated agent.
This method is useful when your business provides dedicated support agents to a special group of customers such as VIPs.
Method Objectives
Configure the Assign To step to automatically assign customers to a specific user
Configure the Assign To step to automatically assign customers to a specific user
Here’s how to configure the Assign To step to auto-assign Contacts to a dedicated agent:
Click the Assign To step
In the Action dropdown list, select Assign to a specific user
Select the dedicated agent in the Assign To dropdown list.
Tip: When a customer is assigned to an agent, here are some best practices for responding to messages.
Once a support agent has resolved a customer’s issue, close the conversation to remove the Contact from the Open Conversation queue, reducing the noise in the agent’s inbox view.
Tip: Keep in mind, the platform keeps agents assigned to Contacts by default. This can be modified by building a Workflow to unassign your agents from customers when conversations are closed.
Last updated