Reports: Users

The Users report provides a comprehensive list of individual performance to assist managers in monitoring their agents’ performances and identifying potential improvements. Use the filters to compare the performance of different users or teams.

Getting Here

Navigate to the Reports module and click Users.


  • Frequency and date — Select a date range from the drop-down list to be applied to the report. Alternatively, you can define the date range by frequency. The following options are available:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • Last 7 Days

    • Last 14 Days

    • Last 30 Days

    • This Month

    • Last Month

  • +Add Filter — You can refine the view of the report components by adding more filter(s). The following filters are available:

    • User - Use this to view the performance of a specified user(s).

    • Source - Use this to view the performance of a specified team(s).

  • Clear All — You can use this option to reset the filters to the default selections.

Report Components

User Performance

You can gain insights on the key performance metrics of the users. All metrics in the table only calculates data from conversations that are closed.

Learn more about each column in the following table:

Table Headers



The name of the user.


The team to which the user belonged.

Conversation Assigned

The number of conversations assigned to the user.

Conversations Closed

The number of conversations closed by the user.

Unique Contacts Closed

The number of conversations with unique Contacts closed by the user.

Messages Sent

The number of outgoing messages sent by the user.


The number of comments added by user.

Average First Response Time

The average amount of time the user took to send the first response from the time when the conversation was opened.

Average First Assignment to First Response Time

The average amount of time the user took to send the first response from the time when the conversation was first assigned.

Average Response Time

The user’s average response time from the time when conversation was opened.

Average Resolution Time

The user's average resolution time from the time when conversation was opened.

Average First Assignment to Close Time

The user's average resolution time from the time when conversation was first assigned.

Average Last Assignment to Close Time

The user's average resolution time from the time when conversation was last assigned.

Max Resolution Time

The user's maximum resolution time from the time when conversation was opened.

Max First Assignment to Close Time

The user's maximum resolution time from the time when conversation was first assigned.

Max Last Assignment to Close Time

The user's maximum resolution time from the time when conversation was last assigned.

The User Performance list only displays users who have closed at least one conversation in the selected time range.

Note that: - Reports table has a limitation of generating a maximum of 10,000 row of results. If you need more data, consider using Data Export. - If a user has been deleted from the Workspace, the username will be replaced with the user ID. Export all user IDs from User Settings before removing users for future username verification based on user ID.

Comment Log

In this log, you can view the comments added in any conversation of the Workspace.

Learn more about each column in the following table:

Table Headers



The date and time when the comment was added.

Commented by

The source (user / Workflow) who added the comment with the name of user or Workflow.

Contact ID

The ID of the Contact to whom the comment was added.

Contact Name

The name of the Contact to whom the comment was added.


The content of the added comment.

Note that: - Reports table has a limitation of generating a maximum of 10,000 row of results. If you need more data, consider using Data Export. - If a user has been deleted from the Workspace, the username will be replaced with the user ID. Export all user IDs from User Settings before removing users for future username verification based on user ID.

Last updated