Reports: Conversations

This tab consists of all the metrics and information related to conversations.

The Conversations report provides insights on the volume and traffic of conversations in the Workspace. These metrics only considers data from conversations that are closed within the selected period.

Managers can use these data to identify the busiest times of the day, the most used closing category, the most popular channel used and more.

Getting Here

Navigate to the Reports module and click Conversations.


  • Frequency and date — Select a date range from the drop-down list to be applied to the report. Alternatively, you can define the date range by frequency. The following options are available:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • Last 7 Days

    • Last 14 Days

    • Last 30 Days

    • This Month

    • Last Month

  • +Add Filter — You can refine the view of the report components by adding more filter(s). The following filters are available:

    • Conversation Closed Source

    • First Assignee

    • First Response By

    • Last Assignee

    • Closed By Team

    • Closed By User

    • Conversation Category

    • Conversation Opened Channel

    • Conversation Opened Source

    • Contact Type

    • Contact - Search the Contact by Contact name and Contact ID. Use Contact filter to see the conversations for the specified Contact.

    • Conversation ID - Get the conversation ID from the Conversation List to see the performance of the particular conversation.

  • Clear All — You can use this option to reset the filters to the default selections.

You may encounter a chart with the following message displayed: - The selected filter(s) are not applicable here: This means the filter(s) you have selected are not applicable to the chart. - The selected filter(s) have no applicable data: This means no data is available for the selected filter(s), for e.g. the chart is new and only available at a date later than the selected date range.

Report Components

Conversations Overview

Metric #1: Conversation Opened

The number of conversations opened within the selected period.

Metric #2: Conversation Closed

The number of conversations closed within the selected period.

The number of conversations closed will not include the conversation closed when merging Contacts or when deleting a Contact (as this action will not close the conversation).

Bar Chart: Conversation Opened vs Closed

The number of conversations opened and closed within the selected period. Only the filters below are applicable to this chart:

  • Conversation Opened Channel

  • Conversation Opened Source

  • Contact Type

  • Contact

  • Conversation ID


Conversations Opened Heatmap

This heatmap shows the traffic and distribution of the conversation opened across the hours of the day within the selected date range based on the conversation opened timestamp. This can help managers observe peak periods for inbound conversations and plan their manpower accordingly.

The areas with a darker color indicates a higher number of conversations opened while those with a lighter color represents a lesser number of conversations opened.

Use filters to analyze the traffic of conversations for a particular set of conversations. Only the filters below are applicable to this heatmap:

  • Conversation Opened Channel

  • Conversation Opened Source

  • Contact Type

  • Contact

  • Conversation ID

Conversations Closed Heatmap

This heatmap shows the traffic and distribution of the conversation closed across the hours of the day on the selected date range based on the conversation closed timestamp. The areas with a darker color indicates a higher number of conversations closed while those with a lighter color represents a lesser number of conversations closed.

This can help managers understand the correlation between conversations closed and conversations opened in the Conversations Opened Heatmap to check for unusual trends or behaviors. You can apply filters to analyze the traffic of certain sets of conversations.

Conversations Opened

This overview shows the number and percentage of conversations opened with various metrics breakdowns within the selected period based on the conversation opened timestamp.

Use filters to analyze the traffic of conversations for a particular set of conversations. Only the filters below are applicable to this chart:

  • Conversation Opened Channel

  • Conversation Opened Source

  • Contact Type

  • Contact

  • Conversation ID

The chart can be grouped by Contact Type, Conversation Opened Source or Conversation Opened Channel.

Conversations Opened by Contact Type

Metric #1: New

The number of conversations opened by new Contacts within the selected period.

Metric #2: Returning

The number of conversations opened by returning Contacts within the selected period.

Bar Chart: New vs Returning

The number of opened conversations by new and returning Contacts within the selected period.

Pie Chart: Percentage of New vs Returning

The percentage and total number of opened conversations by new and returning Contacts within the selected period.

Conversations Opened by Source


The number of opened conversations broken down by source. The ways to open a conversation are as follows:




The conversation was opened by the user from the Messages module.


The conversation was opened by a Contact who sends an incoming message.


The conversation was opened by a Workflows Trigger.

Developer API

The conversation was opened by a Developer API call.


The conversation was opened by a Zapier action.

Bar Chart

The number of opened conversations within the selected period by source.

Pie Chart

The percentage and total number of opened conversations within the selected period by source.

Conversations Opened by Channel


The number of conversations opened broken down by channels. This helps to identify the most effective channels to communicate with the customers.

Bar Chart

The number of opened conversations within the selected period by channel.

Pie Chart

The percentage and total number of opened conversations within the selected period by channel.

Conversations Closed

This overview shows the number and percentage of conversations closed with various metrics breakdowns within the selected date range based on the conversation closed timestamp. The chart can be grouped by Conversation Category, Conversation Closed Source and Contact Type.

Conversations Closed by Category


The number of conversations closed within the selected period by category.

Conversation categories can be configured in the Settings module.

Bar Chart

The number of closed conversations within the selected period by category.

Pie Chart

The percentage and total number of closed conversations within the selected period by category.

Conversations Closed by Source


The number of conversations closed within the selected period by source. The ways to close a conversation are as follows:




The conversation was closed by the user from the Messages module.


The conversation was closed by a bot who is attending to the conversation.


The conversation was closed by a Workflows step.

Developer API

The conversation was closed by a developer API call.


The conversation was closed by a Zapier action.

Bar Chart

The number of conversations closed within the selected period by source.

Pie Chart

The percentage of and total number of conversations closed within the selected period by source.

Conversations Closed by Contact Type

Metric #1: New

The number of conversations closed by new Contacts within the selected period.

Metric #2: Returning

The number of conversations closed by returning Contacts within the selected period.

Bar Chart: New vs Returning

The number of conversations closed by new and returning Contacts within the selected period.

Pie Chart: Percentage of New vs Returning

The percentage and total number of conversations closed by new and returning Contacts within the selected period.

Conversation List

Here are the insights you can gain from each conversation that occurred.

Table Headers


Closed Timestamp

The date and time when the conversation was closed.

Closed By Source

The source of how the conversation was closed.

Closed By

The name of the user who closed the conversation.

Closed By Team

The team of the user who closed the conversation.

Opened Timestamp

The date and time when the conversation was opened.

Opened By Source

The source of how the conversation was opened.

Opened By Channel

The channel from where the conversation was opened. If the conversation is manually opened by clicking on the “Open Conversation” button, this will be shown as “-”.

Conversation ID

The ID of the conversation.

Contact ID

The ID of the Contact.

Contact Name

The name of the Contact associated with the conversation.

First Assignment Timestamp

The date and time when the conversation was first assigned. If the conversation has an assignee before the conversation was opened, the first assignment timestamp will be the same as the conversation opened timestamp.

First Assignee

The name of the first assignee. If the conversation has an assignee before the conversation was opened, the assignee will be the first assignee.

First Response Timestamp

The first response time provided by any user to the Contact.

Format-> hh:mm:ss or mm:ss

First Response By

The name of user who gave the first response.

Last Assignment Timestamp

The date and time when the conversation was last assigned. If there is only one assignment throughout the conversation, the last assignment timestamp will be the same value as first assignment timestamp.

Last Assignee

The last assignee of the conversation. If there is only one assignment throughout the conversation, the assignee will be the last assignee. If the conversation get unassigned before the conversation is closed, this will be shown as “Unassigned”.

Time to First Assignment

The time taken to assign the conversation to the first user. If the conversation has an assignee before the conversation is opened, then this will be shown as “-”.

Format → hh:mm:ss or mm:ss

Formula: First Assignment Timestamp - Opened Timestamp

First Response Time

The time taken to give the first response from the time when the conversation was opened.

Format → hh:mm:ss or mm:ss

Formula: First Response Timestamp - Opened Timestamp

First Assignment to First Response Time

The time taken to give the first response from the time when the conversation was first assigned.

Format → hh:mm:ss or mm:ss

Formula: First Response Timestamp - First Assignment Timestamp

Last Assignment to Response Time

The time taken to give the first response by the last assignee from the time when the conversation was last assigned.

Format → hh:mm:ss or mm:ss

Formula: First response from last assignee - Last Assignment Timestamp

Resolution Time

The time taken to resolve the conversation from the time when the conversation was opened.

Format → hh:mm:ss or mm:ss

Formula: Closed Timestamp - Opened Timestamp

First Assignment to Close Time

The time taken to resolve the conversation from the time when the conversation was first assigned.

Format → hh:mm:ss or mm:ss

Formula: Closed Timestamp - First Assignment Timestamp

Last Assignment to Close Time

The time taken to resolve the conversation from the time when the conversation was last assigned.

Format → hh:mm:ss or mm:ss

Formula: Closed Timestamp - Last Assignment Timestamp

Average Response Time

The average time taken to give responses to Contact.

Format → hh:mm:ss or mm:ss

Formula: Sum (Response Timestamp - Incoming Message Timestamp) / Responses


The number of assignments in the conversation. If the conversation is closed without assigning to a user, this will be shown as “0”. Unassignment is also considered as an assignment.

Incoming Messages

The number of incoming messages received during the conversation.

Outgoing Messages

The number of outgoing messages sent during the conversation (excluding broadcast messages).


The number of responses sent in the conversation.

Conversation Category

The conversation category as specified in the Closing Note.


The conversation summary as described in the Closing Note.

Reports table has a limitation of generating a maximum of 10,000 row of results. If you need more data, consider using Data Export.

Last updated