WeChat Quick Start

Connect ISMessenger to WeChat.

To connect WeChat, a verified WeChat Official Account is required.

Connecting WeChat

Watch the video below for a step-by-step guide on How to Connect WeChat to IS-Messenger.

Step 1: Click Settings > Channels

Step 2: Click Add Channel > WeChat > Connect

Step 3: Follow the steps for the Get channel information section > click Next

Step 4: Follow the steps for the Configure Channel section

Step 5: Click Complete to complete the setup on the IS-Messenger platform

Use the WeChat app on your mobile phone to scan the QR code on the webpage.Once you have completed the setup, any messages sent to your WeChat Official Account will now be received in your workspace.WeChat audio messages do not play in Chrome because the .wav format is not supported.

Channel Configuration

The WeChat Channel can be configured with a unique Channel name. This name will be used internally to identify the account.

Step 1: Click Settings > Channels

Step 2: Locate the WeChat Channel > click Manage

Step 3: In the WeChat Configuration page you will see the following configurations:

  • Channel Name - The Channel Name can be changed and is used internally to identify the Channel.

  • App Secret - Channel access tokens as a means of authentication for Channels.

  • Webhook URL - A unique URL that sends automated messages from Channels.

  • Verification Token - Proves that a particular user owns a particular WeChat account.

  • App ID - The unique ID for a particular WeChat account. This can’t be configured.

Ensure the details are correct for messages to be received successfully in your WeChat account.

Step 4: Click Save Changes to update the WeChat Configuration page

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Why can’t I receive inbound messages?

Check your WeChat Official Account verification status, as messages can’t be sent or received via API if the account isn’t verified.

To learn more, read our guide on WeChat Official Account Verification.

Why aren’t my messages arriving?

If a WeChat user changes their password, the permissions will become outdated and will need to be refreshed.

Step 1: Go to Settings > Channels

Step 2: Find the WeChat Channel > Manage > Troubleshoot

Step 3: Click on Refresh Permission

Step 4: Send a test message to the WeChat Channel and check if it has arrived

Last updated