Reports: Responses
The Responses report helps you understand how fast your users respond to your Contacts. Use the filters to analyze specific response time data that is relevant to your business needs.
- Responses report will be based only on closed conversations. Open conversations will not be taken into account. - Responses report only considers responses given by users. Responses via Workflow and Dialogflow are excluded.
Getting Here
Navigate to the Reports module and click Responses.
Frequency and date — Select a date range from the drop-down list to be applied to the report. Alternatively, you can define the date range by frequency. The following options are available:
Last 7 Days
Last 14 Days
Last 30 Days
This Month
Last Month
+Add Filter — You can refine the view of the report components by adding more filter(s). The following filters are available:
Conversation Closed Source
First Assignee
First Response By
Last Assignee
Closed By Team
Closed By User
Conversation Category
Conversation Opened Channel
Conversation Opened Source
Contact Type
Contact - Search the Contact by Contact name and Contact ID. Use Contact filter to see the conversations for the specified Contact.
Conversation ID - Get the conversation ID from the Conversation List to see the performance of the particular conversations.
Clear All — You can use this option to reset the filters to the default selections.
You may encounter a chart with the following message displayed: - The selected filter(s) are not applicable here: This means the filter(s) you have selected are not applicable to the chart. - The selected filter(s) have no applicable data: This means no data is available for the selected filter(s), for e.g. the chart is new and only available at a date later than the selected date range.
Report Components
Average First Response Time
The average amount of time taken by a user to send the first response to the Contact from the time the conversation was opened, within the selected period.
Line Chart
Compares the average first response time for the selected period with data from the previous period.
First Response Time Breakdown
This table shows the breakdown of the conversations that are closed within the selected period by the first response time of the conversations.
First Response Time - Values are grouped by the following ranges: < 30s, 30s - 2min, 2 - 5min, 5 - 10min, 10 - 30min, 30 - 1h, >1h.
% Conversation - The percentage of conversation where the first response time happened within that range.
Average First Assignment to First Response Time
The average amount of time taken by the user to send the first response to the Contact from the time when the conversation was first assigned, excluding the time to assignment. This metric allows managers to analyze how fast the agents send the first response to the customers when the open conversations got assigned to them for the first time.
Line Chart
Compares the average first response time based on first assignment for the selected period with data from the previous period.
First Assignment to First Response Time Breakdown
This table shows the breakdown of the conversations that are closed within the selected period by the first assignment to first response time of the conversations.
First Assignment to First Response Time - Values are grouped by the following ranges: < 30s, 30s - 2min, 2 - 5min, 5 - 10min, 10 - 30min, 30 - 1h, >1h.
% Conversation - The percentage of conversation where the first assignment to first response time happened within that range.
Average Last Assignment to Response Time
The average amount of time taken by a last assignee to send the first response to the Contact from the time when the conversation was assigned to the user. This metric helps managers to analyze the average response rate of the conversations based on the time the last agent was assigned and excludes the time of prior reassignment.
Line Chart
Compares the average first response time based on last assignment for the selected period with data from the previous period.
Last Assignment to Response Time Breakdown
This table shows the breakdown of the conversations that are closed within the selected period by the last assignment to response time of the conversations.
Last Assignment to Response Time - Values are grouped by the following ranges: < 30s, 30s - 2min, 2 - 5min, 5 - 10min, 10 - 30min, 30 - 1h, >1h.
% Conversation - The percentage of conversation where the last assignment to response time happened within that range.
Average Response Time
The average amount of time taken for users to respond to Contacts in a conversation. Managers can learn the overall speed of responses in all conversations for the selected period.
Line Chart
Compares the average response time for the selected period with data from the previous period.
Average Response Time Breakdown
This table shows the breakdown of the conversations that are closed within the selected period by the average response time of the conversations.
Average Response Time - Values are grouped by the following ranges: < 30s, 30s - 2min, 2 - 5min, 5 - 10min, 10 - 30min, 30 - 1h, >1h.
% Conversation - The percentage of conversation where the average response time happened within that range.
Average Responses
The average number of responses given by any user in a conversation. This overview provides an indicator for managers to how much agents are chatting with customers and how engaged the customers were.
Line Chart
Compares the average number of responses by any user for the selected period with data from the previous period.
Responses Breakdown
This table shows the breakdown of the conversations that are closed within the selected period by responses of the conversation.
Responses - Values are grouped by the following ranges: 0, 1-2, 3-10, 11-20, >20.
% Conversation - The percentage of conversation where the number of responses falls within that range.
Conversation List
Here are the insights you can gain from each conversation that occurred.
Reports table has a limitation of generating a maximum of 10,000 row of results. If you need more data, consider using Data Export.
Last updated