Reports: Contacts
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The Contacts report provides metrics regarding Contacts in a Workspace. Gain insights on the number of Contacts added, connected, deleted and merged, as well as identifying popular Contact sources and channels used.
Navigate to the Reports module and click Contacts.
Frequency and date — Select a date range from the drop-down list to be applied to the report. Alternatively, you can define the date range by frequency. The following options are available:
Last 7 Days
Last 14 Days
Last 30 Days
This Month
Last Month
+Add Filter — You can refine the view of the report components by adding more filter(s). The following filters are available:
Contact - Search the Contact by Contact name and Contact ID. Use Contact filter to see the conversations for the specified Contact.
Clear All — You can use this option to reset the filters to the default selections.
You may encounter a chart with the following message displayed: - The selected filter(s) are not applicable here: This means the filter(s) you have selected are not applicable to the chart. - The selected filter(s) have no applicable data: This means no data is available for the selected filter(s), for e.g. the chart is new and only available at a date later than the selected date range.
Metric #1: Contacts Added
The number of Contacts added within the selected period.
Metric #2: Contacts Deleted
The number of Contacts deleted within the selected period.
Metric #3: Contacts Merged
The number of Contacts merged within the selected period.
Bar Chart: Contacts Added vs Deleted vs Merged
The number of Contacts added, deleted and merged within the selected period.
The number of Contacts added within the selected period broken down by source, or how the Contacts were added.
The ways to add a Contact are as follows:
The Contact was added by a user via the Add Contact dialog in Contacts module or the Messages module.
Contact Import
The Contact was added via Contact Import in Contacts module.
Developer API
The Contact was added via Contact API.
Incoming Message
The Contact was added when he/she sent an incoming message to the platform.
Echo Message
The Contact was added when his/her conversation was imported from the supported messaging channel such as Facebook.
The Contact was added via a Zapier action.
Bar Chart
The number of Contacts added within the selected period by source.
Pie Chart
The percentage and total number of Contacts added within the selected period by source.
The number and percentage of newly-connected Contacts within the selected period broken down by channel. This report helps to identify the channels the new Contacts are coming from or added.
Contacts get connected (active on platform) when there is an outgoing message successfully sent to the Contact or when an incoming message is received from the Contact. The ways a Contact can be connected are as follows:
Developer API
The Contact was connected via an outgoing message sent by Developer API.
Incoming Message
The Contact was added when an incoming message was received from the Contact the platform.
Echo Message
The Contact was connected when his/her conversation was imported from the supported messaging channel (Facebook).
The Contact was connected via an outgoing message sent by Zapier action.
The Contact was connected via an outgoing broadcast messages sent to the Contact successfully.
The Contact was connected via an outgoing message sent by user from the Messages module.
Bar Chart
The number of Contacts connected within the selected period by channel.
Pie Chart
The percentage and total number of Contacts connected within the selected period by channel.
There are 4 logs available to view the Contact activities within the Workspace.
Reports table has a limitation of generating a maximum of 10,000 row of results. If you need more data, consider using Data Export.
Here is a log to view each Contact that was added to the Workspace.
Learn more about each column in the following table:
Column Name
The date and time when the Contact was added.
Contact ID
The ID of the Contact.
Contact Name
The name of the Contact.
The source of creation of the Contact.
The name of the user who perform the action. Only applicable when the source is User.
Here is a log to view each Contact that was connected to your Workspace.
Learn more about each column in the following table:
Column Name
The date and time when the Contact was connected.
Contact ID
The ID of the Contact.
Contact Name
The name of the Contact.
The source of connection of the Contact.
The name of the user who sent the outgoing message. Only applicable when the source is User.
Here is a log to view each Contact that was deleted from your Workspace.
Learn more about each column in the following table:
Column Name
The date and time when the Contact was deleted.
Contact ID
The ID of the Contact deleted.
Contact Name
The name of the Contact deleted.
The source of deletion of the Contact, which can only be User.
The name of the user who delete the Contact.
If a user has been deleted from the Workspace, the username will be replaced with the user ID. Export all user IDs from User Settings before removing users for future username verification based on user ID.
Here is a log to view each Contact merge that happened.
Learn more about each column in the following table:
Column Name
The date and time when the Contact was merged.
Primary Contact ID
The ID of the Contact after merging.
Contact Name
The name of the Contact after merging.
The source of Contact merging, which can only be User.
The name of the user who performed the Contact merging.