Support: Closing Conversations

Business Goal: Use the Close Conversation feature to monitor resolved issues on the IS-Messenger platform and trigger Unassign Agent Workflow when conversations are closed.

IS Messenger Close Conversation feature is a powerful tool that has many use cases on the platform based on your business needs. For support use cases, it can be used to monitor resolved issues on the platform in the Reports Module and trigger a Workflow to unassign support agents from customers.

Benefits of Closing Conversations

The Close Conversation feature can be used to:

  • ensure your business support experience meets customers’ expectations when resolved issues are reviewed.

  • determine agents’ assignment logic based on your business needs after conversations are closed.

Methods for Managing Closing Conversations

  1. Monitor resolved issues on the IS-Messenger platform with the Close Conversation feature.

  2. Auto-unassign agents when conversations are closed with Workflows.

Monitor resolved issues on the IS-Messenger platform with the Close Conversation feature

Use this method when you want to review all resolved issues on the platform.

When issues can be resolved in conversations on the platform, businesses can use the Close Conversation button to monitor the outcome of these resolved issues in the Reports Module.

Tip: Most issues can be resolved in a conversation on the platform without needing to create a support ticket. But if your business support usually requires multiple conversations or multiple departments to be involved for a resolution, here’s how to connect IS Messenger to your existing ticketing system.

Method Objectives

  • Close the conversation when an issue with a customer is resolved.

  • Monitor all closed conversations.


Close the conversation when an issue with a customer is resolved

Tip: Learn more about the Close Conversation feature here.

To close a conversation with a customer, use the Close Conversation button on top and add an optional Closing Note to provide a summary of the conversation.

In the Closing Note, add a Conversation Category and Summary. This will be useful for Managers to better understand the conversations between customers and support agents without having to go through the details in the chat.

Monitor all closed conversations

Tip: Learn more about the Conversation List here.

To monitor closed conversations, use the Conversation List in the Reports Module. The list table shows an overview of all closed conversations, including data such as first response and resolution time, conversation summary and more, within a selected time period.

Tip: Learn more about reporting for support here.

Automatically unassign agents when conversations are closed with Workflows

Use this method when you want to unassign a support agent from a customer when the agent closes a conversation.

Method Objectives

  • Select the Unassign After Conversation Closes Workflow Template.

  • Configure the Trigger to initiate the Workflow when a conversation is closed by an agent.

Workflow Setup

There are Workflow templates set up by our team that you can use immediately. These templates can be edited to fit your business needs.

Learn more about Workflow Templates here.

Select the Unassign After Conversation Closes Workflow Template

On the IS-Messenger platform menu, click Workflows > + Add Workflow and choose your templates.

To unassign an agent after a conversation closes, click Assignment: Unassign After Conversation Closes > Use Template

The Workflow template is set up with an Assign To step to automatically unassign agents when a conversation is closed.

Learn more about Triggers and Assign To step.

Configure the Trigger to initiate the Workflow when a conversation is closed by an agent

Click the Trigger step to configure the Trigger Conditions. Set the conditions to Source > is equal to > User. This way, whenever a platform User (support agent) closes a conversation, it will initiate this Workflow.

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Last updated