Contact Fields

Under the Contact Fields section, you can find a list of contact fields, manage the existing custom fields and create new custom fields to be used within the space.

Using Contact Fields

When your business requires to collect more information from your contacts, you can use contact fields to collect that information. Adding contact fields to your space will enable your team to collect accurate and useful information from your contact.

Besides that, contact fields can be used for automation triggers where automation can happen when a custom field's value is changed. A custom field value can also be used to personalize your messages as it can be used as a dynamic variable.

Getting Here

This setting is accessible by Owner and Manager only!

This setting can be accessed from the Settings navigation menu under the menu item, Contact Fields.

In this setting, you can :

Tips: Use the 🔍 at the top to quickly find the custom field that you are looking for.

Viewing Contact Fields

By default, a set of basic contact fields will be created for the space for the users to update contact's information. This set of contact fields cannot be edited or deleted from the space as these fields may concern the operations of the platform. The list of contact fields are as follows :-

Field Name


First Name

The first name of the contact. The value can be provided by channel if applicable.

Last Name

The last name of the contact. The value can be provided by channel if applicable.

Phone Number

The phone number of the contact. The value can be provided by channel if applicable.

Email Address

The email address of the contact. The value can be provided by channel if applicable.


The country of the contact. The value can be derived from the contact's phone number if applicable.


The language of the contact. The value is derived from the contact's client system if applicable.

Profile Picture

The profile picture of the contact. This value can only be provided by the channel if applicable and cannot be changed by the user.

Adding a new custom field

Custom Fields are User-created Contact Fields that help to further identify Contacts.

Step 1: Navigate to the Settings Module > Contact Fields

Step 2: Click Add Custom Field, a dialog will appear for you to fill in the required information.

Step 3: Name the new Custom Field and provide a brief description for easy identification and understanding of its purpose. The Field ID, generated from the name, is uneditable and serves as a unique identifier for integrations and APIs.

Tip: Make sure Custom Field names and standard Contact Field names are different to prevent dynamic variables in messages from retrieving the wrong data. Read more about dynamic variables here.

Step 4: Select a field type for your new Custom Field. Be sure to choose an appropriate field type to collect relevant and better information for your Contact.

You may select from the following field types:

Field Type



Suitable for information with string as a format

E.g. Name, Address, Preferred Name


Suitable for information that has a limited set of values

E.g. Plan Type Gender, Favourite Brand, Country, Customer Type


Suitable for information that has a true or false value

E.g. Lead Status, Allergic, Availability


Suitable for information that is in email format

E.g. Work email, Personal Email


Suitable for information that requires number format

E.g. Plan Value, Number of Transactions


Suitable for information that requires link format

E.g. Company Website, Privacy Policy, File Link


Suitable for information that is in date format

E.g. Birthdate, Last transaction date


Suitable for information that is in time format

E.g. Preferred contact time

Tips: Choosing the right field type will enable information validation that will improve the collection of contacts' information.

The platform no longer supports specifying a default value of a custom field due to server performance.

Editing a custom field

From the Custom Field record, click Edit under the Actions menu and the Edit Custom Field dialog will be opened.

Make changes to the Name, Descriptions, values (if applicable) and default value and click Update.

After a Custom Field is added, you cannot change the Field ID and Field Type. If you need to do so, you can create another Custom Field with the preferred Field ID and Field Type.

Customizing the View of Contact Fields

You can customize the displayed order of Contact Fields by clicking on the Customize View button.

To reorder the Contact Fields in the Contact Details Drawer, simply drag and move them to the desired arrangement and click on the Save button. The new arrangement will be reflected in the Contact Details Drawer for all Workspace Users.

gif showing how to reorder contact fields

To change the display of the Contact Fields on the Contact Details Drawer, simply change the visibility setting to your desired display option.

There are 3 options for the visibility of Contact Fields:

  • Always show: When this option is selected, the Contact Field will be displayed in the Contact Details Drawer.

  • Always hide: When this option is selected, the Contact Field will be hidden in the Contact Details Drawer.

  • Hide when empty: When this option is selected, the Contact Field will be hidden only when its value is empty.

gif showing how to set contact field visibility

Once the changes are saved, the new visibility configuration will be reflected in the Contact Details Drawer for all Workspace Users.

To view all hidden Contact Fields, click on the Show all fields toggle in the drawer. You can hide them again by clicking on the Hide fields button.

Deleting Custom Fields

When a custom field is no longer needed, it can be deleted from the space by choosing Delete from the actions menu.

Deleting a custom field will completely remove it from your space and any data associated with the field will be removed.

Be careful when you delete a survey as it may be used by other users in the space. Bear in mind that the deletion cannot be undone.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Can emojis and special characters be used in Contact fields in IS-Messenger?

No, emojis and special characters are not accepted in Contact fields in IS-Messenger. If you attempt to include emojis or special characters in these fields, you will receive an error message stating, "Custom field value has emoji or invalid characters."

When designing workflows with Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ), it's important to avoid using emojis in the response options intended to be saved as Contact fields.

Last updated